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Read in english . Guru ravidass ji composed punjabi alphabets. This blog give you complete knowledge about Punjabi language's history.

Who made gurumkhi script (Punjabi)

This blog give you complete knowledge about Punjabi language's history

Punjabi (gurmukhi) script was made up by guru ravidass Ji 

The people group in which Guru Ji was born was in the shackles of segregation, untouchability, destitution and ignorance. He decided to change the whole situation of the community. He needed first to take up education level of shudras (untouchables). 

He lectured: 

"Madho avidhya hit keen vivek deep maleen"

- O God!Man cherishes ignorance.The light of his insight has turned out to be diminish. 

The untouchables were entirely denied from perusing Devnagri script. Even a look of the devnagri letters by them could mean harm of eyes and in that capacity blindness. It was all horrible. To spare the unmindful individuals Guru Ji developed his own particular Gurmukhi letters in order comprising of 35 letters. 

Nana Khiaan puraan bed bidh (i) Chautees akhar manhi 

- The epic sonnets, the Purans and Veds of Brahma all are 

made out of thirty four letters. 

Training was spread by Guru Ji.The individuals of his locale began learning. 
Giani Gurcharan Singh has composed a book:  
Gurmukhi Akhar Bhagat Ravidass ne banaai.  The writer says that initially there are just 35 letters of the letter set. 

With a view to make training troublesome the narrow minded individuals have expanded the letters to 52. It demonstrates that 35 letters of Gurmukhi letter set have been begat by Guru Ravidass Ji.He has likewise specified in the book that untouchables were not enabled access to Devnagri script. He felt need of Gurmukhi content with the goal that the untouchables could be educated. Before parcel of India and Pakistan, a Lahore court had arbitrated that the gurmukhi letter set was authored by Guru Ravidass Ji.  He was religious pioneer as well as an abstract illuminating presence also.                                
Dr. Krishna Kalsia, creator: Guru Ravidass Kav Kala, 

has said in the book that there is sole impact of Punjabi in Guru Ravidass bani. 
This additionally demonstrates that Guru Ji has begat gurmukhi alphabet. The Indian Preeminent Court consented to the way that Satguru Ravidass Ji authored the letters of the Gurmukhi alphabet. This case was re-opened for 4 times on account of the contradiction of different throws in India, every one of the hearings had a similar choice of the Incomparable court: Satguru Ravidass Ji instituted the 35 letters of the Gurmukhi alphabet.The hearings were in these 4 years: 1857, 1933, 1977, 1988.


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Read in hindi , punjabi and english. गुरू रविदास ने पैंतीस अक्षर बनाए । यह पोस्ट आपको पंजाबी भाषा के इतिहास के बारे में पूरी जानकारी हिंदी में देती है ।

गुरु रविदास जी ने पंजाबी ( गुरमुखी )  अक्षरों की रचना की यह पोस्ट आपको पंजाबी भाषा के इतिहास के बारे में पूरी जानकारी हिंदी में देती है (Punjabi akhar  was invented by guru ravidass Ji ) जिस समुदाय में गुरु रवीदास जी का जन्म हुआ वह भेदभाव, अस्पृश्यता, गरीबी और अज्ञानता के बंधनों में था। उन्होंने समुदाय के पूरे परिदृश्य को बदलने की सराहना की। वह पहले शैक्षणिक पहलू लेना चाहता था। अर्थात: गुरु जी दलित समाज को शिक्षा देना चाहते थे उन्होंने उपदेश दिया: "माधो अविध्या उत्सुक , विवेक गहरे नरक मारा" -हे भगवान! मनुष्य अज्ञानता से प्यार करता है। उनके ज्ञान का दीपक मंद हो गया है। दलितों को देवनागरी लिपि पढ़ने से सख्ती से प्रतिबंधित किया गया था। यहां तक ​​कि उनके द्वारा देवनागरी अक्षरों नजर पड़ने पर उनकी आँखे निकाल लि जाती थी। यह सब भयानक था। अज्ञानी लोगों को बचाने के लिए गुरु जी ने अपने स्वयं के गुरुमुखी अक्षांश का आविष्कार किया जिसमें 35 अक्षर शामिल थे। "नाना खियान पुराण बिस्तर बिध चौतीस अखर माने" महाकाव्य कविताओं, ब्रह्मा के पुराण और वीड सभ